29 Incredible Transformations From Beautiful To Hot

ALL bodies are beautiful, and I don’t say this as a cliche! But do you know which body is the most beautiful? The healthy one. It doesn’t matter if you’re slim, thick, curvy, tall, short… YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.
Going through different phases in life, we might feel the need for a change. Living a healthy lifestyle is the ultimate goal of having a healthy mind and body.

All-natural weight loss from December 2019 till now using Calorie deficit and strength training.

2. F/22/5’10” [291lbs > 191lbs = 100lbs] (2 years) I have been very quiet about my weight loss thus far, but today is huge. I have officially lost 100 pounds. I still cringe at the before and criticize the after, but I am so proud. Today I made my impossible my reality and so can you.

Whatch more:

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